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The Democratic National Committee is not listening to Nevada or South Carolina, friend. Voters in these two states help answer this important question for our Democratic candidates: Can you build a broad, diverse coalition that unites voters to win in November?
By including only one poll from Nevada and zero from South Carolina in debate qualification criteria for Wednesday night’s debate, the DNC is further marginalizing the diverse coalition that these voters represent.
Take action today to tell the DNC that early state voices must be heard by sharing the statement below on Facebook and Twitter using our easy-to-share buttons.
Why isn't the DNC listening to voters in Nevada and South Carolina for the next #DemDebate? They've only allowed 1 poll from NV and 0 from SC. Not good enough, @TheDemocrats! #ListentoNV #ListentoSC
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Nevada and South Carolina are up next. So why isn't the DNC listening to them when determining who's in the debate? 1 poll from Nevada and 0 from South Carolina isn’t good enough! 
Join Tom and demand the DNC listen to more voices — sign here:
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Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA