When I decided to throw my hat in the ring against Lauren Boebert in 2022, I knew what I was signing up for. I’ll admit, I never expected it to get that nasty… But I believed from the start that we could win, despite all the naysayers.


When I decided to throw my hat in the ring against Lauren Boebert in 2022, I knew what I was signing up for. I’ll admit, I never expected it to get that nasty… But I believed from the start that we could win, despite all the naysayers.

In the end, though, we fell 546 votes short of defeating Boebert – just over one vote per precinct.

Now, I’m running again, and here are just a few of the reasons why:

  1. The people of Western and Southern Colorado are tired of the circus in Washington, and Lauren Boebert is one of the ringmasters.

    Boebert and her ‘extreme caucus’ peddle in fueling an angertainment industry – one more focused on generating headlines than actually solving people’s problems. And voters are sick of it.

  2. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are all ready for a change. Every day, I meet Republican voters out on the trail who tell me they’re going to cast their ballot for me instead of Boebert.

    Because Boebert wants to ban all abortions nationwide – even in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Because she is everything that's wrong with Washington. And because she cares more about Lauren Boebert than creating jobs or fixing the water crisis in our state.

    It’s clear that Lauren Boebert is in big trouble in 2024.

  3. I believe, simply, that there is too much at stake for me to sit this one out. The last campaign was hard on our family – especially our two kids. No one wants to turn on the TV or go on social media and see vicious lies being told about you.

    But when I think about what happened on January 6th… when I travel the district and see how Boebert has left people without anyone advocating for them in Congress… I had to run again. Especially when we came so close to winning last time.

If you’re in this with me, and if you believe that we can defeat Lauren Boebert – that we must defeat Lauren Boebert – then I’m humbly asking: Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign – any amount you can afford – to help me send Lauren Boebert packing? I’m not taking money from corporate PACs, so every dollar goes a long way.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

From the bottom of my heart: Thank you so much for being a part of this campaign.

With gratitude -