Dear John,

We're on a roll!

Our term limits for congress convention legislation was just approved by an Arizona house committee. 

A new poll says 85% of voters in that state want term limits.

The West Virginia state senate has voted to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention.

Even in Maryland our grassroots teams have managed to get our legislation introduced!

Things are going so well right now a generous donor has just agreed to match all online donations to U.S. Term Limits received from now until National Term Limits Day next week.

Please make a donation today to support our national effort to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention.  

Every dollar you contribute will be DOUBLED by this generous supporter.  However, I need you to act today.

Whether it's $10 or $500, your online gift will be matched dollar for dollar.  

That means more money for ads in Arizona where we are fighting an urgent battle to call the Term Limits Convention.

It means more money to recruit volunteers in places like Iowa, New Hampshire and West Virginia where our grassroots team is working overtime to go around the professional politicians in D.C. to save America.

It means we can keep this momentum going and convince more state legislatures to vote to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention.

Remember, the politicians in the House and Senate can't stop the states from calling this convention and imposing term limits on Congress.

This is our very best chance to end careerism on Capitol Hill.

We're making great progress!

Please, give whatever you can.  It is really urgent that you act today.

National Term Limits Day is February 27th!

Again, every single dollar you contribute will be MATCHED. Dollar for dollar. If you can spare $20, USTL will get $40. If you donate $50, we'll receive $100. 

Please do whatever you can today. 

With much appreciation,

Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 200  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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