All of you who see the danger the Trump/Pence regime poses, and who refuse to live in a fascist America --RefuseFascism invites you to
JOIN US Sunday February 23 to address how to continue the fight to drive out this fascist regime in the changed conditions in the wake of Trump's post-acquittal revenge.
> Participate in mass meetings in 12 cities, see below.
> Join an online 1 hour webinar Sunday at 2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST.
Watch/post your questions on Facebook Live, or register here for video link or phone number.
Wherever you are, step up to support & sustain the movement by donating now. We have 13 days to raise $13,000 from hundreds of people, and you can be one of them.

What are the problems to solve and actions to take? See a new note by Coco Das on her piece
The Crisis They Haven’t Faced Yet
While the Trump/Pence regime faced an impeachment through which Donald Trump could have been removed from office, the masses of people have not yet stepped outside the normal channels to flood the streets in sustained, non-violent mass protest demanding that the regime must go.
Countless examples – in Egypt, South Korea, Armenia, Sudan, Algeria, Puerto Rico, and more – have shown that a movement of people from below can create a political crisis that succeeds in driving out tyrannical regimes.
The latest vengeance-fueled actions of the Trump/Pence regime confirms a pattern: every crisis this regime makes it through has put it on a firmer footing to consolidate its fascist rule. Since the middle of October, Refuse Fascism launched the #OUTNOW! movement, modeling week after week protests and then day after day protests in Washington D.C. during the Senate impeachment trial. Certain flashpoints, such as the House and Senate votes on impeachment and acquittal, as well as the 2020 women’s march, did bring thousands into the streets for a few hours.
But the overall dynamic remains that the millions who hate this regime are sitting back and waiting for this catastrophe to resolve itself through the elections or the separation of powers, even as they’ve watched how inadequate these have been for stopping this regime. In the meantime, the regime is going even more viciously after immigrants and refugees, stacking a record number of judges into the courts, eroding the rights of women and LGBT people, gutting the rule of law, pouring gasoline on the climate crisis, emboldening armed white supremacists, and succeeding in implementing its nightmare vision of society.
We invite everyone who recognizes the need for sustained mass non-violent protest, and everyone who sees the danger the Trump/Pence regime poses to humanity, to join with us in this struggle. Nothing short of driving this regime from power at the soonest possible time will resolve the crisis humanity faces.
What kind of crisis will we bring to stop a regime that must be stopped?
Join in the planning Sunday February 23
Participate in an #Outnow! Mass Meeting
Atlanta: 3:00 - 6:00 pm Manuel’s Tavern 602 N. Highland Ave NE FacebookBoston: 1:30 pm Windsor Community Arts Center 119 Windsor, Cambridge FacebookChicago: 2:00 - 5:00 pm About Face Theatre Offices, 5252 N. Broadway FacebookCleveland: 1:30 pm St. Paul’s Community Church 4427 Franklin Avenue FacebookDetroit: 1:30 pm Anchor Bar 450 W Fort Street FacebookHonolulu: 3:00 pm Saunders Courtyard, University of Hawai`i FacebookHouston: 1:00 pm St. Stephens Community House 1755 Sul Ross & Woodhead FacebookLos Angeles: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Beverly Gardens Park, Beverly Hills FacebookNew York City: 3:00 pm Asian American Writers Workshop 112 W. 27th Street 6th floorPhiladelphia: 2:00 pm Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Sq. FacebookSan Francisco: 1:00 – 4:00 pm Location to be determined FacebookSeattle: 6:00 - 8:00 pm All Pilgrims Christian Church 500 Broadway East Facebook
We won't all agree fully on how to approach the next elections (who to vote for or whether to vote at all), but we should understand that no matter what happens—if Trump wins, if he tries to steal it, if he loses but refuses to leave, or if he leaves but the fascist forces he’s unleashed continue to inflict damage—the mass mobilization of people acting in the name of humanity and refusing to accept a fascist America will be decisive.
> > DONATE for meeting & webinar expenses. We're ALL volunteers here.
Everyone donating $25 or more will receive an original pin by CyberAmaris.
Include your mailing address to receive a pin. national team
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