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Hey, friends!
Did you miss our July meetings? I hope not! But if you did, you'll want to be sure to watch our announcement video so you keep up with all that's going on! Just click the pink bubble below:
Now... I don't wanna be a downer or anything, so be sure to look at the first two images below... and then end with that 3rd one to bring yourself back up. These first two images showed up in my social media back-to-back, and boy did I feel ill after seeing them!
I mean, Abbott isn't even on the ballot and he's raking in the cash! We gotta do better than this! Next week I'm so excited to be announcing our plans for this:
We've got some BIG stuff planned! This is where the rubber meets the road. Stay tuned!
Are You A CERTIFIED True Texan?
On Friday and Saturday we had a huge crowd for our Certification classes. Folks came in from all over the state! These patriots are now well on their way to receiving their Certified True Texan badge.
The last class needed by many of your to receive your Certification badge is Constitution Boot Camp... and we are ready for Constitution Month in September! We tried to spread 'em out so no one has to drive too far. Check out this boot camp schedule, and get CERTIFIED!
September 16 – Cross Timbers (Granbury) - click here
September 16 – Hill Country (Leander) – click here
September 23 – Rockwall/Kaufman Area (Terrell) – click here
September 23 – Brazos Valley (Calvert) – click here
September 30 – Harris County Area (The Woodlands) – click here
Wait... don't know what a Certified True Texan is? You need to! Watch this!
Click the video above to learn about being certified!
Our Certified True Texan program is the premier training we offer to make sure our activists are able to actually beactive! This is what makes True Texas Project different from the rest. We DO something.
Fran's Friday Message
I wasn't planning to do an update this week but a couple things have me worked up and I felt the need to share. Read all about it here.
Fran Rhodes, President
This week at True Texas Project...
Our July meetings are over, but we still have a lot of fun events planned to help us get to know our fellow activists. Building community is an important part of building our True Texas army!
Find everything we're up to on our Events page at this link,but below is a complete list of the week ahead.
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! (On your phone, you may need to save before you can enlarge.)
Thanks for reading! If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for us, just reply to this email.
For Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO on behalf of the True Texas team
PS. What's more True Texan than a rodeo??? Don't forget to sign up for True Texas Night at the Mesquite Rodeo! It's on August 19. We'll all be sitting together, and make sure to wear your TTP gear (buy it here). AND, if you are a voter registrar and want to take turns manning a table to register new voters, please reach out toShari London.
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