Fellow Conservative,

Too many politicians are all talk and no action. But Chip Roy is different. 

That's why the Washington Examiner just wrote a feature piece called: "Chip Roy wants to take down Washington from the inside"

So many people talk about the need to "drain the swamp" or "dismantle the deep state" but Chip is actually doing it.

Chip ran for Congress to take on Washington and fight unwaveringly for our conservative principles. 

This new article recognizes that Chip is effective at getting those goals done. He actually has both the COURAGE and ABILITY to do what doing what he said he would do. 

What's Chip's primary mission?

To destroy the uni-party. To drain the swamp. To dismantle the administrative, bureaucratic state. To counter government overreach and fight for the American people. 

In short, get Washington the heck out of our lives and out of our way to prosper and live free. 

We're excited to share this piece from the Washington Examiner that really delves into who Chip is and why he's so effective -- even our opponents get that point! 
Read >>
“There’s a disaffected bloc of America who just wants a return to sanity. When they see some of us just unvarnished, ripping into the thing that they’re so frustrated about…they want to see us have passion and a spine and stand up for them.” -- Rep. Chip Roy

One of the things that makes Chip so effective is that he isn't afraid to call it like it is. Not only that, he knows when to make that call. Chip has experience in the conservative movement, in Washington -- a city he hates -- so he knows how the "game is played," and he knows how to maximize impact.

And, he isn't blindly loyal to people or parties. Chip is loyal to his ideals and his constituents first and foremost, so he's always willing to go to bat for us -- even if that makes him unpopular in The Swamp.
Chip will stand up for what's right -- no matter what. No matter who stands against him -- friend or opponent. He's a fighter for freedom, and he's dedicated to making sure that the voices of the good people of TX-21 are heard. He stands for patriots across this great nation, and he stands for making sure America stays free. 

Help Chip FIGHT back against The Swamp in DC by chipping into Chip's campaign today >> 
Chip is a "rock-ribbed" fighter. He's going to take the blows and just keep coming until the job is done -- until the swamp is drained and the American people are as free as they can be. Chip isn't going to just bluster and talk, he's going to act, execute, and move forward. 

We're proud to be part of Team Chip, and we hope you'll join us in hitting back against the DC complex and help us seize the freedom our Founding Fathers fought for. 

--Team Chip
Join Chip's Fight -- Donate Today >>
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