From Julie McCarty <[email protected]>
Subject True Texas Project: Attend the GOP Convention!
Date February 18, 2020 5:07 PM
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Friends and fellow patriots,

The GOP Conventions are simultaneously a ton of fun… and a beating! LOL We aren’t gonna lie to you or try to sugar coat anything. The conventions are fun because you see a bunch of friends, you’re out of town, you get to hear big name speakers, you meet cool people, and you feel like you’re making a difference. In fact, the Texas State GOP Convention is the largest Republican gathering in the nation… even bigger than the National GOP Convention! The conventions are a beating, though, because getting through the process requires sitting through some boring meetings, and a lot of those meetings will drive you insane with those painstaking yet very necessary Robert’s Rules of Order!

Most importantly, however, the process is vital in maintaining our influence on the Republican Party. It is at the Convention that we decide as a body exactly what it is the party believes in and stands for… what our priorities are. For that reason, true conservatives (True Texas conservatives!) must show up en masse.

The first step is attending your Precinct Convention. It’s likely you’ve never even heard of that! It’s a little neighborhood meeting traditionally held on Primary Election Night after the polls close at your assigned polling location. Almost nobody shows up! This year Tarrant County is holding the Precinct Conventions two days later, on March 5, at 7:30pm. The locations have not been announced yet, but this post will be updated when they are. At this convention, people can submit platform planks that define what the GOP is. You also are named a delegate to the next level of conventions, the Senatorial Convention. The Precinct Conventions generally take 30 minutes or so.

The second step is attending your Senatorial Convention. These consist of all the delegates that were named at all the Precinct Conventions within your State Senate District. The agenda is the same… submit and vote on platform planks, and name delegates to the State GOP Convention. These meetings last one full day, and generally you are visited by several elected officials (and sometimes they give you free stuff). The Senatorial Conventions are being held on March 21, 2020.

The third step is attending the Texas State GOP Convention. As mentioned, this is the biggest Republican gathering in the nation! About 9,000 of us will gather this year in Houston from May 14-16 to define the state party platform, listen to various speakers, have parties and gatherings, walk through tons of vendor booths selling wares or pushing organizations, and elect party leaders. There’s always some sort of drama surrounding some controversial platform plank or election, but mostly we have a great time with great friends. And this is where you get elected to go to the National GOP Convention.

The National GOP Convention will be August 24-27 in Charlotte NC. It’s supposed to conduct party business, but in reality most of that is all done, planned and pre-determined before the convention ever starts. The week consists of getting selfies with big names in the party, networking, and hearing speakers. It is often considered a “reward” for those across the nation who have worked the hardest for Republican efforts and candidates. It’s a lot of fun, and of course there’s the balloon drop when the Republican nominee for President is announced.

As you can see, it something of a lengthy process. The chances of going to National are slim, but the real work is done at the state level, and that’s where we need you.

Here’s a key point… This year the State Convention is in Houston. Harris County is not quite a conservative mecca. In fact, it’s filled with those Establishment types. Because the convention is in their backyard and they will not have to pay for travel/meals/lodging, find childcare, or take time off of work, they will attend in large numbers. This means conservatives from around the rest of the state MUST SHOW UP!

Plan ahead! The State Convention is where we define what the Republican Party believes in and where we vote for the new Texas GOP Chair. It is very significant. We all know that as goes Texas, so goes the nation, which means we’ve got a big responsibility. Our country is depending on you!
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project




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Feb 18-28 ([link removed])
Early Voting

Feb 25 ([link removed])
Dinner at Fuddruckers

Mar 3 ([link removed])
Primary Election Day

Mar 5 ([link removed])
Precinct Conventions

Mar 9 ([link removed])
Massey Campos returns!

Mar 10 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Massey Campos

Mar 21 ([link removed])
Senatorial Conventions

Mar 24 ([link removed])
Dinner at Cane's in Euless

Apr 9 ([link removed])
Joint Happy Hour w/Empower Texans at Napoli's

Apr 13 ([link removed])
Russ Ramsland: Deep State

Apr 14 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Russ Ramsland, Deep State

May 11 ([link removed])
Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 12 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 15-16 ([link removed])
State GOP Convention

May 26
Dinner at TBD

Jun 8 ([link removed])
Jim Simpson,
Agenda To Erase America

Jun 9 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Jim Simpson, Agenda to Erase America

Jun 23
Dinner at TBD

Jul 13 ([link removed]) -
KrisAnne Hall, Red Flag Laws

Jul 14 ([link removed])
Denton hosts KrisAnne Hall on Red Flag Laws

Jul 28
Dinner at TBD

Aug 10 ([link removed])
"Keeping Their Faith"
(in public school)

Aug 11 ([link removed])
Denton hosts "Keeping Their Faith"
(in public school)

Aug 25
Dinner at TBD

Sep 14 -
Prepping For Next Session:
partners in the battle

Sep 15
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session:
partners in battle

Sep 22
Dinner at TBD

Oct 12
Prepping For Next Session:
Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 13
Denton hosts Prepping for Next Session:
Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 27
Dinner at TBD

Nov 9
Prepping For Next Session:
Empower Texans

Nov 10
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session:
Empower Texans

Dec 14
Christmas Party

Jan 11 ([link removed])
Pastors Panel

Jan 12 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Pastors Panel

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at
6000 Hawk Ave, NRH
and the second Tuesdays of every month
in Denton County

5:30 - Prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - Meeting begins
8:00 - Meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various
restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday
of most months.
Watch the calendar!
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