Taking a drive up US-67, from Little Rock to Walnut Ridge, you will see signs that say, “Future I-57.” How does this impact the average Arkansan? Having an Interstate doesn’t just lead to faster travel between destinations, it also opens the door for additional industrial projects that could bring new jobs to our region. Many companies and manufacturers desire proximity to trade routes and, according to economic developers in the First District, industry site locators use this requirement as an initial screen for determining whether or not a community will be considered.
Some local officials also find that so-called quality of life opportunities increase. Cabot leaders indicated this week that two new well-known restaurant chains, Cracker Barrel and Olive Garden, which before the Future Interstate designation remained out of reach, have green-lighted locations for the community. Hotels and other amenities have similar investment requirements. While an Interstate is certainly no panacea, it does open the door for additional possibilities.
Future I-57 is about to see serious momentum from $200 million dedicated to the project by the Arkansas Highway Commission from the state’s ½ cent sales tax that voters approved for renewal in 2018. Since 1957, the Arkansas Department of Transportation has constructed about 122 miles leaving only about a 40-mile section between Walnut Ridge and the state border unfinished. This massive infusion of funding will advance an important project for Northeast Arkansas that will help the region grow and prosper.