URGENT ACTION NEEDED: 3,785 more signatures needed to help STOP Formosa Plastics from building a toxic factory in CANCER ALLEY! Act now!
2,400 acres along the Mississippi river destroyed. Towering smokestacks. Clouds of pollution. Cancer.
Located in a region of Louisiana known as “Cancer Alley,” Formosa Plastics’ plant would add to the more than 200 PETROCHEMICAL PLANTS and refineries that have spiked cancer rates to astronomical levels in a predominately Black community.
To make matters worse, the project would accelerate the PLASTICS APOCALYPSE, dooming our oceans to be filled with even more plastic waste that entangles and chokes marine animals. President Biden can REVOKE Formosa’s permit, but we need 3,785 more signatures to hit our goal and help convince him! Please, Friend, send your message and help STOP a toxic plant in Cancer Alley before 11:59pm TONIGHT! >>
Chemical pollution -- like the waste from this proposed plant -- has been linked to lung, liver, heart, and brain damage! But that isn’t stopping Formosa Plastics -- it’s prioritizing profit over people.
This isn’t new for Formosa. In fact, it illegally released BILLIONS of plastic pellets into local waterways for years in Texas. Formosa can’t be trusted -- it’s made that much clear. That’s why President Biden MUST revoke Formosa’s permit. Tell President Biden to stand up to corporate greed and BLOCK Formosa’s dangerous factory before it’s too late!
Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans and vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth