
BREAKING: Biden's DOJ says it’s ready to sue Texas and Gov. Abbott.

Instead of working with Texas officials to secure our southern border, the Biden administration resorts to lawsuits and intimidation.
This decision only further proves that border security is the last thing Biden wants for our country. Our state leaders have done their best to secure our border — to do Biden’s job. We can’t allow the Radical Left to attack our efforts any longer.

We need your help because Democrats are going to invade Texas with money to turn out voters against Republicans. These liberals want to erase our border with Mexico, allowing illegal aliens to invade our country in droves. We can’t let that happen.

Can we count on your support to elect and protect Republicans who will stand strong against Biden and his weak border policies?
The federal government's lawsuit against Texas isn't just an attack on our state's policies; it's an attack on all patriots who believe in strong borders. With your support, we can make a real impact and send a clear message to the Biden administration and the radical left that Texans will not back down!

Please join us in this critical fight by making a small-dollar donation today. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will directly support the election and protection of Republican candidates who will fight for Texas values.
We must do whatever it takes to ensure that our state doesn't become a gateway for human trafficking, illegal immigrants, and drug cartels. Take a stand for border security. Join us today.

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

P.S. The battle for Texas is far from over! We need your support to keep our state safe and secure. Can we count on your support once more?

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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