It’s finally here. What we’ve been working towards. And now we need your help one more time.
For the last year we’ve been sharing updates about the huge opportunity states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region have to start limiting carbon pollution and bring $3-6 billion a year to communities most impacted. This program is called the Transportation & Climate Initiative. 12 states and D.C. are at the table and they want to hear from you before the deadline on February 28.
Write your comment in support of making polluters pay for their pollution and investing in a clean transportation future.

Communities of color breathe air that is 66% more polluted from tailpipe emissions than white communities in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.1 Low-income families also spend a higher proportion of their income on transportation costs – up to 30%! It’s time for a major change to our transportation system.
So many of us feel overwhelmed by what’s at stake: climate change, deadly tailpipe pollution, long commute times, overburdened communities, and lack of good jobs in the clean transportation workforce. And now we have an opportunity. To set strict limits on emissions. To finally make polluters pay. And to raise funds and invest in solutions that lead to a future that’s green for all.
But we need to let our state officials know that a clean modern transportation future must also be affordable, accessible, and work for all.
Here’s how to submit your comment:
- Go to this website:
- Fill in your details and your affiliation - Resident, Voter, or however you want to affiliate
- Copy & paste this comment or write your story: “We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in mobility options.”
That’s all! With your support we’re telling states that a price on carbon alone isn’t enough.2 We want a program that truly benefits the communities most impacted by pollution. One that also gives transit and mobility options to those that are underserved, from urban to rural areas.
Getting to and from basic services shouldn’t be such a challenge. We’re dreaming up a modern transportation system designed to meet the needs of everyone. One that cuts carbon and inequality, too! Imagine increased electric vehicles, expanded and improved public transit, affordable housing near transit hubs, and walking and biking infrastructure.
Let’s make this dream a reality. Add your voice today.
Thanks for all you do, Eleanor
P.S. Want to learn more about the Transportation & Climate Initiative, watch this video created by our partners at Our Transportation Future.
1. Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, Union of Concerned Scientists 2. Move Marginalized Communities Forward, Green For All Blog