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Weekend Edition, July 22-23, 2023


Unmask the Deep State’s Bipartisan Agenda for More War

David Stockman

The Road to Asbury

Bretigne Shaffer

Sample Test Questions Inside

Tom Woods

The Downfall of Blobism

James Howard Kunstler

Geoengineered Climate – Disease – Dictators – and Propaganda

Helena Glass

What does the Coming Movie ‘Napoleon’ Signal About the 2024 Election?

Wayne Lusvardi

Intervention vs Prevention

Capt. Randall

The Butterfly Effect and Political Impact

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Sticks and Stones and “Hate Speech”

Donald Jeffries

FedNow Is LIVE and the Framework Is in Place for CBDCs

Daisy Luther

The Pandemic of Lies

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Priest to Pope Francis: I Accuse You of Heresy and Humbly Plead That You Correct Your Ways

Father Jesusmary Missigbètò

Political Theatre

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