Welcome to our community! I am Mila Sanina. I serve as the executive director of PublicSource. Just like a lot of PublicSource readers, I love Pittsburgh and that's what drives my commitment to meaningful local journalism. That's also what drives our team of journalists, who day in and day out are focused on telling the region's untold stories.

Meet our staff. You'll  see their names in bylines and behind-the-scenes at PublicSource: (Left to right, top to bottom) Mila, Halle,  Jeff, Natasha, Jourdan, Mary, Dale, Oliver, Ryan, Tom, Chrystal and Jennie.

We send our email newsletter on Thursday mornings. Occasionally we’ll send additional emails for fundraising, special projects or breaking news.

If you know of someone who would be interested in learning about PublicSource and joining our community, share how you signed up for our newsletter or, better yet, share one of our stories with them.

With gratitude,
Mila Sanina

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