URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Vulnerable bees are dying out rapidly; we must STOP neonic pesticides from sending critical pollinators to EXTINCTION. Take action now! >>
Imagine walking into the grocery store to see the shelves nearly bare, particularly the produce section where we buy many of our most nutritious foods. That’s the grim reality of a world without pollinators, Friend.
We rely on bees and other insect pollinators for 1 in 3 bites of food we eat, including veggies, fruits, and nuts. But pesticide companies are ignoring public demands to prioritize pollinators and public health above corporate profits.
Instead, these greedy corporations continue to push sales of neonics — the most widely used insecticides in the world. These harmful chemicals are largely responsible for pushing bees and other endangered pollinators closer to EXTINCTION every day. And now, the EPA could approve these toxic chemicals for another 15 years!
, if we don’t act fast to STOP THE INSECT APOCALYPSE and PROTECT BEES from toxic neonics, we could soon face devastating consequences to our entire ecosystem. Our pollinators and our planet cannot afford another moment of inaction, so please step up and donate before it’s too late! >>
Over the last 20 years alone, we’ve already seen a drastic decline in bee populations including 87% of the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee, 89% of the American Bumblebee, and 93% of the Western Bumblebee.
Make no mistake, Friend: Fragile bee populations could be completely WIPED OUT if the EPA decides to approve bee-killing neonics for another 15 years.
In fact, the EPA itself has even cited “devastating consequences to our ecosystems, particularly pollinators” associated with the widespread use of neonics. And yet the agency has refused to hold Big Ag companies accountable for these toxic pesticides!
The EU has already banned the worst neonics, and some U.S. states have even taken action to limit the use of these harmful chemicals. But without bold action at the federal level, vulnerable pollinators stand little chance of survival. We need 4,922 more environmentalists like you to make a membership donation 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT. Can we count on you to step up right now for pollinators and the planet? Donate $27 or more now >>
Standing with you,
Friends of the Earth