From Pennsylvania Forward Party <[email protected]>
Subject PA July Statewide call, its our 12th
Date July 21, 2023 9:26 PM
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John --

July 24th is the date of this month's Statewide Forward Call.?

The call will start at 8pm and go for about an hour. Click on this button to RSVP:

<[link removed]>RSVP <[link removed]>

This will be our 13th monthly Pennsylvania Foward Call which is another way of saying it's our one-year anniversary. While we are constantly looking forward, this is a good time to look back at this first year and the organization we're building.

As of the spring of 2022, our organization was more accurately described as a list of about 500 Pennsylvanians who had been asked to organize ourselves. With some direction from a small group of national advisors, we started meeting supporters and got enough structure to hold a statewide call July 11th, 2022.

The national organization founded by Andrew Yang soon merged with two other organizations called Serve America Movement and Renew America Movement. SAM and RAM brought many assets including some very knowledgeable and talented active members here in PA. The press generated by this merger also drove the most sign ups we've ever had. There will actually be a national webinar for the one-year anniversary <[link removed]> of this merger that you can join on July 27th.

In last November's general election, we were thrilled the National Forward Party endorsed Ilya Breyman as a candidate for State Representative in South Eastern PA. It was a great mission to build a team around and we still reap benefits from those relationships today.

This spring, we had our first State wide leadership summit in Gettysburg <[link removed]>. At this summit, we adopted bylaws and formally installed a leadership team.?

Then last month we had our?Harr <[link removed]>isburg <[link removed]> Rally <[link removed]>.?Several members of National Forward leadership came to town to commemorate two sitting PA Senators committing to affiliate with us. I hope you saw some coverage on our day in Harrisburg a few weeks ago. We'd ask you to share something about it on your social media if you haven't already.

So, this is where we are. Where we go from here is up to all of us. We hope you'll join us on this statewide call and reach out to us if you'd like to play more of a part. We have big plans that will take everyone's help.

<[link removed]>RSVP <[link removed]>

Forward PA as a movement is just getting on its?feet, and all of us have a role to play in guiding each step towards Free People, Thriving Communities, and a Vibrant Democracy. ??

Be sure to follow Pennsylvania Forward on our social media:

Instagram <[link removed]>?|?Twitter <[link removed]> |?Facebook <[link removed]>

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Pennsylvania Forward Party

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