
Not really sure which hashtag to use? #OnStrikeSummer, #SolidaritySummer, or #HotStrikeSummer? I kind of like #Don’tMessWithTheNanny, personally! Hashtags aside, in this time of record-breaking heat, workers are bringing even more heat on greedy employers everywhere! This is serious business, folks; this isn’t a fad; this isn’t just the result of the Union’s high favorability numbers, though that doesn’t hurt. This is the manifestation of years of worker abuse at the hands of greedy, profits over people, ruthless corporations and investors. This is the result of history repeating itself in the worst possible way, with total disregard for labor laws, child labor, immigrant labor, worker safety, and the continued misclassification of workers. Taking advantage of workers and consumers as a result of the worst pandemic in our lifetimes and the continued elimination of workers with the use of technology and AI.


So there is a line drawn in the sand, on the sidewalks, in the streets, on the roadways, and on the runways, and with labor strife at an all-time high in recent memory, so is Worker Solidarity at an all-time high! Whether it's Hospitality Workers, Teamsters, Air Line Workers, the Writers Guild, or SAG-AFTRA. Whether it’s Baristas or Nurses, Cannabis Workers or Teachers, Labor is unified like never before, and it has to be!


And from President Shuler and Secretary Treasurer Redmond to every State Fed and Central Labor Council, and Area Labor Federation, we stand with you all in Solidarity!


For more information, click here to read the article, 'How did we get to "Hot Strike Summer" Anyway". 










Emergency Alert - Arizona Workers Exposed to Heat


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