Reproaction collaborated with Generate Health – St. Louis, Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri, and NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri, to present the panel Centering Community in Healthcare Practices in St. Louis, MO. More than 65 people attended to learn about the importance of birth control access via The Right Time Initiative.

Erin took an hour to talk with eight boys in the seventh grade about the Equal Rights Amendment (!). During the course of her presentation she asked each boy to define what they thought feminism meant and whether they personally identified as a feminist. They all said yes, and their classroom teacher started crying.

Pamela represented Reproaction at the CLPP New Leadership Networking Initiative (NLNI) Winter Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. NLNI is a collaborative network of emerging leaders in the reproductive justice movement.

Check out our January Positive Presence at the Falls Church Healthcare Center with NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia.

We also have a new fact sheet up on our Resources page about big ‘pro-life’ spending during the last presidential election. Check it out here.
Did you miss our latest webinar on Sexism and the Anti-Abortion Movement? No worries – we’ve got you covered. Listen to a recording here.
On Our Blog:
Shireen explained the link between the anti-abortion movement and white men’s power. And why intersectionality threatens that power.
Reproaction is thankful for birth control! Evonnia and The Right Time Initiative tell you why. She also covered Reproaction’s partnership with NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri for the Reproductive Freedom Tour.
Nataley wrote about the connection between Roe v. Wade and Wisconsin’s Act 292. Nataley also covered Milwaukee’s eviction of residents of Tent City, a homeless encampment.
Kylie explored why abortion clinic shutdown laws are still happening after the landmark Whole Women’s Health ruling. She also covered how anti-abortion forces are invading your privacy.
Jessica wrote about ‘pro-life feminism’ and how their rebrand is simply the same old oppressive misogyny.
Reproaction in the News:
Erin wrote about the ERA and why it terrifies abortion rights opponents for Rewire.News.
Our self-managed abortion campaign was heavily featured in Vice’s article “How Women Are Training to Do Their Own Abortions” quoting co-founder/co-director Pamela Merritt.
Erin had a great time as a guest on the RePROS Fight Back podcast, discussing what to do if you find yourself inside a crisis pregnancy center (the horrors!).
Our work to demand accountability from fake clinics in Washington D.C. was mentioned in an American University student publication.
Get Involved:
Save the date for our next Act and Learn webinar, Marijuana Legalization and Reproductive Oppression, taking place at 7 p.m. ET on Wednesday, February 26.
Join our team! We’re looking for paid, part-time fellows to work on our self-managed abortion campaign in California, Oregon, and Washington state.
Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the most up-to-date information on what we’re up to and how you can get involved.
Erin, Pamela, Caitlin, Elizabeth, Evonnia, Jessica, Kara, Nataley, Shireen, Angie, Brittany, and the Reproaction team
P.S. Keep the Valentine’s Day vibes going and show some love to Reproaction with a donation.