

This week the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed my legislation to reauthorize the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education payment program — a bill that bars program funding from going to children’s hospitals that offer so-called “gender-affirming care” to minors. I hope to see this legislation considered soon on the House floor. We should not allow a dime of this taxpayer-funded program to go toward children’s hospitals that push harmful pseudoscience.

I also hosted my first Task Force to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels meetings, with special guest speakers Chad Wolf and John Zadrozny. The cartels have threatened American citizens for far too long. I'm proud to lead this task force that will come up with a comprehensive plan to tackle these criminal organizations head-on.





"Gender Affirming Care" Is A Façade. Plain And Simple.


This cannot be overstated — “gender-affirming care” is pseudoscience, and NOT evidence-based. All 5 comprehensive, systematic reviews of child sex change procedures arrived at the same conclusion: the existing evidence for the “benefit” of these procedures is of low quality. The radical idea that it’s “compassionate” for our children to undergo these permanent, life-altering procedures is appalling.


A.I. Researcher Explains How Robots Could Theoretically Take Over The World Today



The new Mission Impossible has Tom Cruise facing off against a rogue Artificial Intelligence (AI) program that's trying to take over the world with the help of hired mercenaries. Turns out that might not be too far from reality. AI researcher Eliezar Yudkowsky joined my podcast last week to make the case for why we should view AI as an existential threat to humanity. In this clip he outlines one of the worst case scenarios that could happen in the near future: the AI figures out a way to create self-replicating nano-robots, tricks scientists into building the first nano-robots in a lab, and then uses the nano-robots to escape and self-replicate until it's covering the entire planet. That scenario is still science fiction, but we also explored many more practical questions about how civilization must adapt to the exponential advancements in AI tech. Check it out on Hold These Truths podcast.


Can We Stop The AI Apocalypse?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky makes the case for why we should view AI as an existential threat to humanity. We also get into the basics of AI and how the new AI program, GPT-4, is a revolutionary leap forward in the tech. Eliezer hypothesizes the most likely scenarios if AI becomes self-aware and unconstrained – from rogue programs that blackmail targets to self-replicating nano robots. Listen now on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and Rumble. 



Fox News: Dan Crenshaw tears into Dem colleagues over child sex changes: 'It's not offensive. It's a fact'

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, unleashed on his Democratic colleagues during a markup of health bills by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, insisting that there are greater risks associated with puberty blockers and hormone treatments for children than Democrats want to talk about.

Washington Examiner: Crenshaw calls 'gender-affirming care' a 'social contagion'

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) ripped into what he described as the Left's obsession with "gender-affirming care," labeling it a pseudoscientific "social contagion. "There's a ton of risk when you give a 12-year-old puberty blockers, which 98% of which, by the way, move on to puberty blockers, because those puberty blockers are like a gateway, and then on to surgical interventions" he testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, as seen in a video posted Wednesday.

Telemundo: A este congresista republicano le "decepcionó mucho" que AMLO lo "atacó con tanta ferocidad". Le envía un mensaje

El republicano Dan Crenshaw propuso utilizar las Fuerzas Militares de EE.UU. para combatir al narco mexicano y eso desató fuertes críticas del presidente. En una entrevista exclusiva con Noticias Telemundo dijo que no se trataba de "invadir a México".

Telemundo: Es veterano de guerra y congresista de EE.UU. Su propuesta de enviar soldados a México encendió a AMLO

Dan Crenshaw fue Navy Seal y una mina le arrebató un ojo en Afganistán. Ahora, dedicado a la política, este republicano ha causado polémica por una propuesta para combatir al narco. De esto y más habló en una entrevista exclusiva con Noticias Telemundo.


Task Force to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels


This week we held our inaugural meetings for the Task Force to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels. I am proud to be leading this very important task force, specifically focused on neutralizing the Mexican drug cartels by bringing legislation to the House floor so the cartels can no longer threaten American safety and sovereignty. 



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