July 21, 2023



Dear John, 

This week, Congress welcomed Israeli President Isaac Herzog to address a joint session. While some members of the House have said unacceptable things about Israel in recent days, I am proud to support our most cherished ally in the Middle East, and will always stand with Israel.

I also led members of the California Republican Congressional Delegation to defend your healthcare choices, questioned Biden Administration officials on their exclusion of Taiwan from Southeast Asian trade policy, and called for action to secure our border and uphold the rule of law. 

Get the details about all of this and more below, and make sure to follow my FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to get these updates in real-time.

Defending Health Care Choices 


California is one of only two states in the nation to tax Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), hurting families who save their hard-earned money for medical expenses. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than 40% of Americans have delayed care due to costs. More than 50% of those with an HSA live in zip codes with a median income below $75,000. This tax hurts those who live below California’s median income the most by taxing families who put money into an HSA for current and future qualified medical expenses.

That’s why I led CA House Republicans in sending a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom urging him to end California’s tax on the over 5 million people covered by Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), which are used by working families to pay for care. Even your healthcare is subject to Sacramento’s tax-and-spend addiction. It’s time for the Governor to do something about it.

Read the Full Letter


WATCH: Rep. Steel Questions Witnesses on Taiwan's Exclusion from IPEF

Though Taiwan is a top ten trade partner with vital industries that the U.S. must access, they have been excluded from the Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).

At yesterday’s hearing of she Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, I questioned witnesses about this misguided decision.

Honor a Senior in Your Life


Southern California is home to some of the most dynamic communities in America - and our senior community is no exception. To celebrate National Senior Citizens Day on August 21, 2023, please nominate a 2023 Senior of Distinction to help me honor senior citizens in the 45th Congressional District who have made a distinctive impact in their communities and the lives of their loved ones.

Visit my website to submit your nomination by 12:00 PM PST on July 31, 2023. Please contact my office by email or phone at (714) 960-6483 with any questions.

Nominate a 2023 Senior of Distinction

Standing With Israel


On Wednesday, Israeli President Isaac Herzog addressed a joint meeting of Congress to share the importance of the relationship between the U.S. and our most cherished ally in the Middle East. I am, and always will be, proud to stand with Israel.

President Herzog also addressed Iran’s nuclear program and their threat against Israel and democracy. My bill, the Solidifying Iran Sanctions Act (SISA), works to deter a nuclear Iran by increasing pressure on Iran and encouraging our allies to do the same.

Learn More About SISA


We had a great turnout at my team’s Senior Resource Fair in Garden Grove. I want to thank all the participating service organizations and attendees for making this event such a great success!

If you couldn’t make the event but still need assistance from my office, I encourage you to call us at (714) 960-6483.

OPEN: Fall Internship Applications


The application to intern in my Washington D.C. or Cypress, CA offices for the Fall semester is now open. Students selected for an internship will gain invaluable work experience while learning about the inner workings of the House of Representatives. 

Candidates must possess excellent writing and verbal communication skills. In addition, we are seeking highly collaborative team players with the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. If you are a hardworking, dedicated individual who has a desire to help improve the Southern California community, this internship is for you!

Learn More and Apply

WATCH: House Republicans Take Action to Secure the Border

The Administration’s policies have made our borders less secure and our immigration system unworkable.

House Republicans are taking action to secure the border and restore law and order.


I had a wonderful time at the 2nd Annual Philippine American Friendship Day in Cerritos last weekend.

There’s nothing better than spending time with the amazing people I took an oath to serve!

Calling All STEM Students


Registration for the 2023 Congressional App Challenge (CAC) is now open! The CAC is a great way for middle and high school students from across the country to explore and improve their computer-based skills by creating original apps.

This competition encourages computer science and innovation skills and offers an opportunity for students to explore potential careers in the STEM field. The competition is hosted by the Congressional Internet Caucus.

Each winning app may be put on display in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year and will be featured on the House of Representatives website. Winning students are also invited to the #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington D.C.

Learn More and Apply


It’s always an honor to meet with my Veterans Advisory Board to discuss ways I’m working to support our heroes and get their feedback on the challenges facing our vets.

Many thanks to all the board members for your service to our country and community!


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What I'm Reading

Orange County Register: For 25 years, a Buena Park teacher has brought summer reading to the parkImage

"Leslee Milch, a teacher in the Buena Park School District, recalls a particular day near the end of the school year several years ago when she held up a calendar for her class of first graders to remind them that there were only a few days left until summer vacation."

Read More

National Taxpayers Union: Taxpayers Aren’t Ready for the Coming 1099-K Deluge - And the IRS May Not Be EitherImage

"Last year, a last-minute administrative change saved taxpayers from an enormous tax compliance headache. But that bureaucratic band-aid did not solve the problem, only punting it a year down the line."


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Thanks for taking the time to read about what I've been doing on behalf of Southern California families. Don't forget to connect with my official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where I post the latest news and updates. It is an honor to serve you in Congress.

Rep. Michelle Steel
Member of Congress

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