Well, folks, it looks like the GOP is on the offensive, launching attack ads in 12 districts that are considered key to controlling the House of Delegates in November. Can you rush a $12 donation now to help me fight back and keep these districts under Democratic control?
July has been full speed ahead for the GOP in Virginia – not only did they release these attack ads in crucial battleground districts, but they also launched a new web portal encouraging Republicans to vote early in the election this fall.
Their efforts should not be taken lightly. We have to stand with Virginia Democrats and make sure they have the resources they need to win. Contribute anything you can today to help Democrats win these 12 districts and turn Virginia blue >>
Your contributions play a big role in my work to support Democrats across the Commonwealth. Because of your generosity, I can travel to battleground districts the GOP is targeting – like Richmond and Hampton Roads – to campaign with candidates, canvas and talk to voters, and make sure every person has a plan to vote in November. Fighting back against this onslaught of GOP attacks is a huge group effort, and I’m thankful you’re on my team.
Thank you,