Every Michigander deserves access to quality, affordable health care that meets their needs. Earlier this week, I signed bipartisan legislation to protect the Healthy Michigan Plan which provides access to quality, affordable health care for more than one million Michiganders.?
This legislation will protect your health insurance and make it easier for you to get the care and treatment you need.?
Over the last few years, my administration has been focused on lowering health care costs and improving the well-being of every Michigander. We?ve signed bipartisan legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs, protect patients from surprise medical billing, and expanded programs for new moms and babies. ?
The legislation I just signed builds on the progress we?ve made by protecting the Healthy Michigan Plan and healthcare for more than one million residents by preventing the program from being repealed. The Healthy Michigan Plan offers quality, free or low-cost covers to Michiganders, ensuring no one has to choose between paying the bills, putting food on the table, and paying for health care.?
But that?s not all. We are making Michigan the first state to allow individuals to register to be an organ donor on their state income tax return, which will save lives and grow our organ donor registry list to help those who need it. We are getting more people insured by improving access to health care for lower-income families and those in rural communities. We are also allowing pharmacists to continue to order and administer vaccines and laboratory tests under certain circumstances.??
I am committed to building a Michigan where everyone can live a safe, healthy life, and ?Make it in Michigan?. Let?s keep working together to make a healthier Michigan where families can thrive.?
 Gretchen Whitmer