We are less than three weeks away from the caucus. This has been an incredible journey. I have driven thousands of miles to meet thousands of Coloradans. Every day, every event, I learned that we all want the same thing for our state - a place where we thrive.
I believe we can all thrive. I believe all things are possible. As the honorable Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible, until it is done.” In the beginning people declared, “it is not possible for you to run a state-wide campaign.” Yet, here we are, strong contenders in this race, because we have not been running alone. You have run with me, for justice, for the most vulnerable among us, for our planet and our children’s children’s futures.
And more is possible. Health care for all is possible. A new green deal is possible. We can protect our air and water; we can make sure that no family loses their home because of skyrocketing costs of living; we can have paid family leave for all; we can have great education for all children. We can have a future we can trust!
Please join me in these last three weeks. Please make phone calls (events here!); please tell at least five friends and family members about my candidacy; please give today -- for the possibility of a better state, and better country for all of us.
A donation of $10, $25, $50 can make so much more possible. Our goal is $5,000 more raised by February 29 so we can Rock the Caucus (you can commit here!). We have and only use people power, not corporate dollars, to make things possible. That is how change has always happened - people fighting for the possible.
In Solidarity,
Stephany Rose Spaulding
Your Candidate for US Senate