We outraised the field!

It’s a big deal. Thousands of people support us, while lobbyist groups, and corporate PACs support other congressional representatives and candidates in this city.

We’ve outraised every other candidate in this race in individual donations, closing the 2nd financial quarter with almost a quarter of a million dollars! That number has now risen to nearly $300,000 and counting. Our success is indicative of the huge level of support for this movement. More people donated more money to us than anybody else in this field! I think our campaign is the clear favorite in this new district.

Folks are taking part in the future.

The voters in the new District 07 have shown through their grassroots support in this movement just how much they care about real change. Each individual donation is also a statement of values from the community. Folks are excited about representation that isn’t bought by big money. They are tired of watching the news and hearing about another shooting, another death from global warming, another failure from their government. The people in District 07 are joining this movement because they want to see a better world for themselves and their families.

I am so grateful for the support we’ve received in reaching the $300,000 milestone. The best part about this is we’re just getting started. This movement is in it to win it and we won’t stop fighting until we bring progress to the new District 07.

Click here to contribute to our movement!

Huge crowd at our block walk!

We had fantastic turnout at our block walk last Saturday. Folks showed up from all over the district to help knock doors and advocate for progress. I am so grateful for all of the dedicated supporters who have joined this movement.

It’s a new district.

A lot of people don’t realize that they’re now in an entirely new district. Not only that, it’s the most diverse district in Texas. Voters here have a chance for real progress and legitimate change in their daily lives. They know that and are putting in the work to be the change they want to see in their community.

Thank you so much to everyone who made it out on Saturday. This is only the beginning.

Check out some clips from our block walk.

Help Us Phone Bank!

Are you a people person who loves lively conversation? Do you want to get involved and beat the heat at the same time? Help grow this movement by phone banking.

We’re be holding a phone bank every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM at our office on 6220 Westpark Dr. Suite #119.

Click here to choose your time.

Don’t worry if you’ve never phone banked before, our team will teach you everything you need to know. It takes all of us to make change - the time for action is now.

Order your sign today!

Show your support for this movement by putting a sign in your yard. We’ve got two different options to choose from and we’ll deliver them right to your door!

We need everyone’s help to make progress in the new District 07. An opportunity for change like this doesn’t come often and we intend to seize this historic moment. Help us fight big money.

Click here to order your sign.

Block walk with us next Saturday!

Reaching voters is the most important part of a campaign. There is nothing more vital in a race like ours than engaging the community and bringing them on as a part of our movement. Meet us at Ervan Chew Dog Park next Saturday at 6 PM to knock doors and spread progress throughout the new district.

Click here to sign up.

Let’s change the way politics is done in this city. There’s no room for politicians who have let themselves be bought and no time for snails-pace legislating to enact meaningful change. It’s up to us to bring progress to the new district by rejecting big money and focusing on the people. Humanity is a rare thing in politics and we’re trying to change that.

The time for change is now, the time for action is today.

Chip-in to our movement!
Join our WhatsApp Group!