The lives of children in Ukraine changed forever more than 500 days ago.
In an instant, their opportunities to learn, grow and simply be kids were put on hold.
Since the escalation of war in Ukraine, children have been forcibly displaced as part of a global refugee crisis that’s the largest we’ve seen since World War II, lived under the threat of relentless violence and experienced unthinkable loss. Still, throughout crisis, UNICEF has delivered hope.
It's people like you who have ensured that UNICEF continues to reach every child in and around Ukraine.
With your support, UNICEF remains on the ground to help children recover from trauma, restore access to essential health care services, sustain learning opportunities, provide safe spaces for children on the move and do everything it takes to rebuild Ukraine. Here’s an inside look at how you’ve powered UNICEF’s action >> |
UNICEF is committed to meeting children’s humanitarian needs and ensuring they have access to every line of support. Ukraine’s long-term recovery depends on the recovery of children who are affected by the war today and UNICEF won’t leave them behind.
Your support continues to go the distance to make UNICEF’s work possible — and we’re so grateful for you. We’ll keep you updated on your impact and share how you can deliver even more hope in the future.
Thank you for helping children,
Shannon Coffey