The single most important source of land-preservation funding could be severely shortchanged, and we need your steadfast help to convince Congress to provide all the funds that it is entitled to.
Ever since it was established in 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has been the lifeblood for parks and open space. It has directly benefitted more than 45,000 project sites in all 50 states, from conserving land on the Appalachian Trail to reinvigorating a community park in East Wenatchee, Washington.
Last week, President Trump submitted his proposed 2021 budget to Congress. Our worst fears were realized when we learned that funding for the LWCF was virtually eliminated in his budget.
John, a bill has been introduced in Congress to mandate full funding of the LWCF at $900 million per year. Unfortunately, that bill has been languishing with the Senate Natural Resources Committee. We need your help to get it out of committee, onto the Senate floor, and voted into law.
We really aren’t asking for very much. In one sense, $900 million is simply the amount Congress said the LWCF could have back when it created the Fund in 1964. But in another sense, it’s much, much less. Consider this: $900 million in 1964 dollars would be roughly seven and a half billion dollars today.
We’re not asking for $7.5 billion. We’re simply asking that the LWCF be given the full amount that was promised in 1964: $900 million. If you think that’s not too much to ask … if you think this indispensable conservation resource should be fully funded … if you think parks and recreation areas and wilderness are important … then join us on the frontline and join The Trust for Public Land by making a monthly commitment right away.
Kim Elliot
Director of Membership
P.S. I forgot to mention that the LWCF takes absolutely no taxpayer money. The funding comes from royalties paid by the oil and natural gas industries. In other words, money earned from the exploitation of certain natural resources is used to protect and preserve other natural resources. Those royalties are being paid every year; we want to ensure that the LWCF and our public lands gets what they’re due. That’s why I need you to make that donation right now in support of this and all our vital work.