First: President Trump said nine times that he wanted universal background checks. Then: The next day, President Trump met with the NRA -- and he folded.
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First: President Trump said nine times that he wanted universal background checks.

Then: The next day, President Trump met with the NRA -- and he folded.

Now: Amy used the Democratic presidential debate to take the fight right to President Trump and CALLED HIM OUT for his lack of leadership on gun safety.

As your President, Amy will not fold to the NRA.

It’s not just about words. In Amy’s first 100 days, she will close the “boyfriend loophole” and prioritize passing universal background checks and the assault weapons ban.

Amy will not let big-moneyed special interests like the NRA stop her from doing what’s right for the American people. But she can’t do it alone. Will you add your name and show the NRA the grassroots support for Amy’s gun safety plan?

Thank you for standing with Amy in this fight.

Team Amy





P.O. Box 18360, Minneapolis, MN 55418

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Paid for by Amy for America


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