During the 2020 Presidential Election, 9 out of 10 citizens were eligible to vote, but only 6 out of 10 voted and 1 in 4 didn’t vote.80 million registered voters stayed home and 80% of non-voters chose not to vote because they didn’t believe their vote matters and expressed widespread feelings of political alienation and apathy. In the 2022 Midterms, only 3 in 10 voted. The US is ranked in the bottom third of nations in voter turnout; why?A Survey from 2014 Showed: · 85% say Congress is more interested in serving special interest groups than the people they were elected to represent. · 81% acknowledge that most voters are not sufficiently informed about the issues to vote wisely. · 77% of Americans are concerned about the future. · 74% are not satisfied with the way the nation is being governed. · 74% argue that the state of moral values in the nation is getting worse. · 72% perceive that America is more divided than ever. · 71% say the signors of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed in how the United States turned out. · 63% believe America is in a state of decline. · 63% argue that the nation is headed in the wrong direction. · Only 6% are very certain that the government has their best interests at heart. Our states and nation are being run by elected officials who have the backing of less than one third of the population.How Deep Blue States Can Become RedExamining the Deep Blue State of California In the 2022 Gubernatorial Race, the battle was between Democrat Gruesome Newsom (D) and Brian Dahle (R). On October 24th there were 26.9 million eligible voters and 21.9 registered voters as follows: · Registered Democrat Voters: 10.3 million · Registered Republican Voters: 5.2 million (half as many) · Registered with No Party Affiliation or Other Voters: 6.4 million Newsom received 3.9 million votes, 55.9% of the total votes, and only 38% of Democrat registered voters. Dahle received 1.3 million votes, 17.7% of the total votes, and only 25% of Republican registered voters. Republicans had the votes needed to win!A Republican Governor would have had kept the Democrat majority state legislature in check and we might have seen the 52-year reign of the Democrat controlled Senate and Assembly come to an end. California is one of 14 deep blue states where Democrat incumbents ran for office in 2022. How many of them could have been unseated with stronger turnouts by conservatives? Recently, we shared a “Liberty Scorecard” reporting 87% of Republicans were failing Americans; this is America’s scorecard. THIS is what happens when patriots fail to vote AND voice their values to hold government accountable every day. It’s never too late to make a U-turn and start making a difference!Yes, there’s been cheating in elections; cheating that’s influenced the outcomes of elections. But the levers for cheating and gaming are built on the assumption that a predictable non-voter participation is at play. The Left has won by absurdly small margins in many significant races they never would have won if more of us chose to vote. Don’t let cheats dissuade you from voting! We must rely on one another to show up. There’s a lot of work to do leading up to the 2024 election. Restoring our faith in America starts with participation. The stakes have NEVER been higher. “America is not governed by the majority; it is governed by the majority who participate.”-Thomas Jefferson The change we desperately need begins with us! It requires us to start talking to our friends, family and neighbors and ask them to participate by sharing this email and working together to make sure everyone within our circle of influence is registered and committed to vote. Let’s join forces to Save America and Our Freedoms!VOLUNTEER: To Join the Act for America Team Here, CLICK HERE>>