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Formative Research for Khutlo Project

Duration: 10 Week
Budget: R 250 000
Location: Lesotho
Closing Date: 20 October 2023

Project Overview

The Civil Society and Media-Strengthened Together and Advancing in New Directions (CSM- STAND) consortium members, Pact and Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke), aim to reduce stigma, discrimination, and violence against women, girls, and LGBTQI+ communities in Lesotho through the Khutlo project. The project will build the capacity of civil society organizations to advocate for LGBTQI+ rights as well as provide quality and inclusive GBV prevention, mitigation, and response services.

Purpose of this Consultancy

The main purpose of the consultancy is to conduct formative research that will inform the project planning processes and performance measurement. The formative research aims to collect and analyse preliminary information related to LGBTQI+ policies and rights, attitudes and experiences, and prevention, mitigation, and response services in Lesotho.

The objective of the formative research is to:

  • Establish and identify drivers of Gender-based Violence (GBV).
  • Map community-based networks and establish local GBV resources.
  • Gather relevant data for key project indicators to depict the actual situation in the project areas and to create a benchmark for evaluating the project measuring results and impact throughout the project period.
  • Assess the assumptions in the project’s Theory of Change (ToC).
  • To better understand the magnitude, barriers, and facilitators of violence against LGBTQI+ people, and cishet women and girls.
  • Inform the development of key program Social Behavior Change (SBC) materials.
  • Identify any potential challenges or barriers to success that may need to be addressed before implementing the program or intervention.


The estimated duration of the formative research is 10 weeks, starting 10 August 2023 and ending 20 October 2023 when the final draft report will be submitted. Within the first week of the consultancy, the consultant is expected to produce an Inception Report, including a detailed work plan and methodology. The consultant is expected to convey the main findings and recommendations in a meeting with Sonke and partner staff, and review and provide recommendations to program material before finalization of the report. The final report should be in a format that can be published on the organization’s website and include a summary infographic.
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