John, this is infuriating.
We watched Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA allies try to censure and sue a sitting Democrat for daring to hold Donald Trump accountable.If that's not enough, extremists like Lauren Boebert are now pushing Congress to impeach President Joe Biden.
Let’s be clear: these folks aren't interested in governing. What they are interested in is weakening our President. What they are interested in is attacking women's rights, banning books, and making it harder for working families to get by in this country.
That’s why I'm fighting so hard to take back our majority, and an important step you can take to join me is making sure Will Rollins has the funds he needs to unseat Ken Calvert in California's 41st District.
Flipping five House seats in the coming election puts Democrats back in control. Will is running in a "must-win" district that almost went blue in 2022.Before Will's next fundraising deadline, split a donation of $10, or whatever you can afford, between the Voter Protection Project and Will’s campaign to stop Republicans from destroying everything we've worked so hard to build. ([link removed])
I’m proud of what Democrats have accomplished:– The creation of more jobs in two years than any other president in history– Created 13 million jobs in President Biden's first term.– Enacted the Child Tax Credit which cut child poverty in half.– Made life-saving vaccines available to every American.– And much more...We've made incredible progress, but Republicans in the House will stop at nothing to put a halt to our work. I refuse to stand for it and you shouldn't either.
That's why I need you to split a contribution of $10 between the Voter Protection Project and Will's campaign before his next deadline hits. We can’t afford to fall short -- not with so much at stake. ([link removed])
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Will Rollins and VPP will go through immediately:
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Barbara Boxer
Former U.S. Senator
Paid for by Voter Protection Project
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
401 2nd Ave. S, Ste. 303, Seattle, WA 98104
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