John: For many kids facing poverty in rural America, school means regular meals, emotional support and hope for the future. For these children, summer vacation can mean isolation, learning loss, and hunger. But you can make a difference for them by donating to help Make Summer Fair. We’ve set a goal to raise $200,000 to not only help fund initiatives like Make Summer Fair, but to support all aspects of a child’s well-being. Meeting this goal means protecting children from harm, ensuring no child goes hungry and providing them with access to quality health care. So please, will you help make summer fair and create a better, brighter future for children everywhere by rushing a donation of $30 right now? Your generosity can provide support in the summer and all year round for children in the U.S. Please, will you rush $30 now toward our $200,000 goal to make a life-changing difference for children everywhere?
Every gift, no matter how large or small, helps create irreversible, positive change that lasts a lifetime for children. Thank you. Save the Children