From Ryan Clancy <>
Subject Chart
Date July 20, 2023 10:33 PM
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We want to share a chart that illuminates the stark differences between what America’s commonsense majority wants and what they’re getting.

Hi Friend,

No Labels released our Common Sense policy booklet in New Hampshire on Monday to kick off a long overdue national conversation about the key issues facing our country. We hope you’ll give the booklet a good read. In the meantime, we want to share a chart ([link removed] ) we developed that illuminates the stark differences between what America’s commonsense majority wants and what they’re getting from our current political leadership.

Here, you’ll see the views of the commonsense majority on issues ranging from the budget and Social Security to immigration and abortion, juxtaposed with the leading major party presidential nominees, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. We hope this chart clarifies both why America so desperately needs more voices and choices in our political process and how an independent Unity ticket could develop an agenda most Americans could rally around.

Please share this with your network. As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Ryan Clancy

Chief Strategist

No Labels

Common sense issues ([link removed] )

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