
The Radical Left is trying hard to shut down Gov. Abbott’s latest measures to take control of our southern border.

Recent reports indicate Gov. Abbott has begun deploying new tools and strategies to deter and repel illegal crossings, instead of merely turning over illegal aliens to federal authorities to be released.

If you support strong border security measures like these — sign our petition today! Take this opportunity to tell the Biden administration that you support Gov. Abbott and disapprove of Biden’s dereliction of duty.
From deploying law enforcement, to building the wall, to implementing razor wire, to positioning floating barricades in the Rio Grande, and now repelling illegal aliens who attempt to cross the border — no border state Governor has taken stronger measures in response to the Biden Border Crisis than Gov. Abbott.

But of course, the Democrats and their friends in the media aren’t very happy about this approach. They’re making up all kinds of absurd claims in an attempt to discredit Gov. Abbott’s action to protect Texas families and communities.

We can’t let the Democrats think Texans are “okay” with drug smugglers and human traffickers flooding our streets! We need all true patriots to step up today and join us. Will you sign our petition?
We need more border security — not less. Biden, the Radical Left, and even the cartels are worried about Gov. Abbott’s protocols because they know these measures work.

Join us today, and let’s fight together to secure our southern border and protect the people of Texas.
Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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