Big news, John:This morning, the non-partisan elections analysts at the Cook Political Report moved our race from "Lean Republican" to "Toss up." Our race in CA-41 is officially one of the most crucial pickup targets in the 2024 election.
In an election cycle where Democrats have a chance to retake control in Congress, our district is one of the few places in the country where Democrats can go on offense and unseat a Republican.
If you already understand how big of a deal this is and are ready to support our efforts, make a contribution of $3 or more to turn CA-41 blue.
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Here are the top takeaways from their report:
» Redistricting added thousands of new Democratic voters in the Inland Empire and desert communities like Palm Springs to CA-41. In past elections, Ken Calvert enjoyed a strong Republican edge. Now, Democrats hold a +3,000 registration advantage.
» Ken Calvert's voting record has been out-of-step with a district that's now trending toward Democrats. In his 30-year tenure, Calvert voted down LGBTQ+ protections, supported Trump's plot to decertify the 2020 election, and still suggests that climate change is a hoax.
Our community has no appetite for Calvert's extremism. We’re ready for a new generation of leaders who will work on issues that matter to working folks -- health care, creating jobs and pathways to economic prosperity, strengthening American democracy, and treating climate change with the urgency it deserves.
Now that we're officially in a toss up race, we must expand our capacity quickly and early. Our fundraising has ticked down a bit this month, so we set a goal of bringing in $15,000 before the end of this week to keep our momentum going. Will you please rush in $3 or more today?
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Thank you!
Team Rollins HQ
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Will Rollins for Congress
PO Box 6282
414 W Grand Blvd
Corona, CA 92878
United States