Dear advocates, 

Earlier this year, our community raised concerns about political instability in Pakistan. One of our core values at Emgage Action is to protect human rights and defend free and fair elections domestically and abroad. Because of this, we are calling on the administration to take a clear stance on the following regarding the current situation in Pakistan:  

  1. Respecting rule of law, human rights, and due process
  2. Protecting the rights and safety of protestors, especially women 
  3. Releasing political detainees and protestors who did not commit a crime
  4. Ending social media and Internet restrictions 
  5. Holding of free and fair elections

In response to the community's requests, Emgage Action facilitated a meeting with key administration officials from the Department of State, along with over 100 community leaders, to foster a dialogue between our community and decision-makers. As we continue to monitor the situation in Pakistan closely, we understand the profound effects this has on our community, particularly on those who have family and loved ones abroad. Our goal is to continue promoting and centering human rights while ensuring that the United States, within its powers, stands on the side of democracy and rule of law as we continue to defend against autocratic threats. 

Conversations with key administration officials are an important component of our work, and our team is committed to continuing such dialogue.

Please support our efforts to ensure that the United States stands on the right side of history by signing our petition!

In solidarity, 

Wa'el Alzayat, Emgage Action CEO