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I Have Been Accused Of Lying...

This week, Fake News Outlets aka Godless Globalist Propagandists like Right Wing Watch have accused me of lying in a sermon that I preached a few weeks ago at Sheridan.Church OKC & Tulsa.

I took the Sunday before Independence Day to answer a looming question: Was America Founded To Be A Christian Nation?

History and specifically Church History is something that I love.

I received a B.A. and M.A. in Theological & Historical Studies from Oral Roberts University and have continued to study the history of Christianity especially in America.

I have had David Barton come speak at Sheridan.Church in the past (David Barton once served as the Youth Pastor of Sheridan.Church many years ago) and I have read many books of his about our nation's Christian heritage.

What I shared at Sheridan.Church has been well documented, researched and verified.

The problem with what I shared is that it exposes the LIE that has been used to try and remove God from all spheres of American life.

I would encourage you to watch that sermon and judge for yourself.

Watch America's True Story here: https://www.youtube.com/live/6AHX38ChqAY?feature=share

Thank you,
Jackson Lahmeyer

Follow me on TruthSocial, GAB, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, GETTR & YouTube).



Two BROKE Preachers Going To Church...

At Sheridan.Church OKC & Tulsa, we are in a series each WKND over the Book of Acts: verse by verse.

This past WKND, we opened up Acts 3 which is a story of two broke preachers (Peter & John) going to church and on their way encountering a man who lame from birth asking for money.

I took a different approach to this classic biblical story and I think you will be intrigued by the angel of this sermon.

Watch Acts Pt.12 here: https://youtube.com/live/ThM7my6KqHU?feature=share


Why Are American Churches Struggling?

American Churches were once booming like many boom towns in our nation's history.

Unfortunately, the trend now for many American Churches is not the boom town experience but more like a ghost town...

Did you know that twelve churches per day in America close down? Church attendance is at an all time low. In 1972 around 92%of Americans identified as Christian, whereas in 2020 that number dropped to 64%.

Why is American Christianity struggling?

Two Sundays ago, at Sheridan.Church OKC & Tulsa, I addressed that question and how a church can BOOM.

We have seen the BOOM experience at Sheridan.Church in all categories: reach, influence, attendance & finances.

There are four primary reasons that Sheridan.Church has boomed and they are found in Acts 2:42.

This message will bless you and your local church!

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/live/YCcVTz88FMo?feature=share


When It's OK To Disobey

Is there a time when it is OK to disobey civil authoirty as a Christian?

The answer is YES.

Watch Daniel Pt. 4 - When It's OK To Disobey: https://www.youtube.com/live/4at5EzLq68c?feature=share

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