![]() Patriot, With the U.S. Senate scrambling to finish the National Defense Authorization Act before they adjourn for their summer vacation, senators are now sifting through hundreds of amendments (987 to be exact), and real-time updates are currently extremely difficult to get. They’ve already voted to close debate on the bill, but we don’t know when they’ll bring it to the Senate floor for a final vote, and we don’t know yet which amendments will get a vote, because it’s all in the hands of Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. With so much happening at once, we must focus on our top three goals in the NDAA: 1. Repeal the provision allowing for the indefinite detention of American citizens without due
process. This is a flagrantly unconstitutional and dangerous provision that allows the president to throw people he deems “enemies
of the state” into prison without ever being charged with a crime. No president should ever have that power. 2. Stop the free-speech-killing RESTRICT Act from being snuck into the NDAA. This dangerous bill would give the government the ability to target anyone they deem as a national security risk – regular people like you and me – and allow them to remotely access every piece of electronics we own, from our computers and cell phones to the camera on the front porch. And if they find you in violation, the government can seize your property, fine you one million dollars, and imprison you for 20 years. 3. Stop any language that would implement or even encourage a “digital ID” scheme. One such proposal would create a new federal bureaucracy, an “Improving Digital Identity Task Force,” to lay the groundwork for a Digital ID scheme – a step down the road to a national ID system and a Central Bank Digital Currency – and create a grant program to hand out cash to states willing to implement the scheme at the state level. Since the status of these amendments are all in flux, please call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 right away. Here is a simple script you can use when calling your Senators: Hello, this is [your name] from [your city and state]. I’m calling to tell you to support an amendment to the
National Defense Authorization Act to eliminate the provision that allows for indefinite detention of American citizens without due process.
I’m also asking you to OPPOSE any amendments regarding the RESTRICT Act, which would eviscerate the First Amendment rights of Americans, and the Improving Digital Identity Act or any other language that would implement or even encourage the creation of a government digital ID, which would infringe on Americans privacy. Please advise the senator of my comments. Thank you. Your calls made a huge difference in changes to the NDAA in the House. And thanks to your continued efforts to contact Congress, the Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act was advanced in the House this week on a 30-0 committee vote! We need to keep up the pressure. We won in House. Now let’s win in the Senate! Call your Senators RIGHT NOW at (202) 224-3121. The votes could come at any time, so don’t hesitate. And if possible, after you’ve contacted the Senate, please follow up with a contribution to Campaign for Liberty – your support makes it possible for C4L to increase the pressure by bringing this message to more patriots like you. Identifying and reaching out to bring in new members and supporters isn’t free. Neither is mobilizing and delivering your petitions to the Capitol. But the more resources we have, the more we can do, so if possible, after contacting your senators, follow up by chipping in a contribution to help us win this battle for good! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Thanks to your support, we’ve made it farther than we ever have to restore a fundamental constitutional right of Americans. Let’s do everything we can to win more victories in the National Defense Authorization Act. Tell your senators to 1. Support a ban on indefinite detention of Americans, 2. Reject the RESTRICT Act from being inserted into the NDAA, and 3. Outright say “no” to any form of Digital ID. Congress is anxious to get out of Washington, D.C., but you and I can’t let them RAM through legislation that takes away our rights and liberties. Call both of your U.S. Senators now at 202-224-3121, and then, please consider chipping in a donation of $10, $25, $50, or more to help us keep the pressure on Congress to restore the Constitution! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |