Jack –– If Joe Manchin runs against Joe Biden as an independent, then Donald Trump will be handed a second term on a silver platter.
Our best chance to stop this is to show a surge of donations from Grassroots Democrats.Will you please rush a donation right now toward our $45,000 goal to help Joe Biden and Democrats?
If Manchin sees our contributions going through the roof, he’ll know that Democrats like you are still sticking by Joe Biden. But if our contributions for Biden keep going down, and down, Manchin might see an opening and declare his bid for the Presidency.
We are dedicated to electing Democrats. We are on the frontlines to help retake the House majority, protect the Senate, and keep the White House in Democratic hands.
We rely EXCLUSIVELY on grassroots support from Democrats like you. If you want to save our Democratic majorities and the White House, please rush a donation today.