July is almost over, and right now, we’re off-track towards meeting our monthly fundraising goal. 

July is almost over, and right now, it’s looking like we’re going to fall short of our critical fundraising goal.

The amount we’re able to raise this month, and every month this year, is directly tied to how much we can fund our programs to protect the freedom to vote. We’re laser-focused on mitigating the impacts of Brian Kemp’s anti-democratic attacks in Georgia so that every eligible voter can make their voice heard in the 2024 election — and we rely on your support to do this important work.

If everyone reading this email chips in $25.48 (our average contribution this month) right away, we’ll get on track towards meeting our July goal within minutes. But we estimate that 83% of people who receive this email won’t read it, and even fewer will be able to respond with a donation. So if you are one of the readers who can chip in $25.48 or anything you can today, it will make a huge difference in our work. Can you pitch in today?

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation to Fair Fight will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250

Brian Kemp has already signed laws to criminalize hardworking election officials and deny them necessary funds for our elections, to create a state commission to target and remove democratically elected district attorneys, and to take over county Boards of Elections — removing lawfully appointed Black members and Democrats from their ranks. These laws are specifically designed to deny voters a voice and overturn the results of democratically held elections. We need to continue hitting our monthly goals — including July’s — in order to fight back harder.

Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Team