
I'm heading back from watching the Democratic Primary Debates in Detroit, and wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for your continued support of our movement to defeat Trump starting here in Florida and share a couple quick takeaways I had over the last few days.

I just got word that we reached our 2,020 grassroots contribution goal for July — ​thanks to supporters like you across ​our nation who pitched in to help power our movement.

I truly believe that we can turn the tables and defeat Donald Trump, no matter who wins the Democratic nomination. And I believe we can make it happen right here in Florida, thanks to supporters like you.

While some analysts like to focus on the negative attacks at these debates, and argue about who won or lost, I'm looking at each candidate's positive qualities to see who the right person is for the most important job — to lead us all forward.

You can click here to watch as I shared my thoughts with a panel on CNN about what I'm looking for on the debate stage, and in our future president:

We shouldn't pin our hopes on someone who sticks their finger in the wind before making a decision — I want to see someone who stands up for what they believe in, someone who sets the temperature, not someone who just tells you how hot it is. We need leader who won't back down from doing what's right for the people and usher in the progress we deserve.

We need a thermostat — not a thermometer.

John, the bottom line is that every person up there on that debate stage is counting on us to help defeat Trump, and defeat him here in Florida.

That's our mission and why we're relying on your help to continue hitting our goals before the primary nominee is even determined — because we know that work has to get done now.

Thanks again for powering our movement.




Paid for by Forward Florida Action,
1427 Piedmont Drive E., Suite 2, Tallahassee FL, 32308.

Contributions to Forward Florida Action are not tax-deductible.

Forward Florida Action’s mission is to educate the public on progressive policy solutions and to increase voter registration and voter participation in Florida.

You can help lead Florida forward by making a contribution today.

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