Dear John,

Last week, Covanta's greenwashing bill (HB 4049) passed out of committee, bringing it one step closer to a House vote. We can't let this bill pass! HB 4049 would allow Covanta to receive renewable energy credits for burning trash. Email your State Representative today and ask them to vote no on HB 4049! Renewable energy credits should be reserved for new sources of clean energy, like solar, wind, and small hydro, rather than aging waste incineration plants like Covanta's Marion County facilityPlease write to your State Representative today, and ask them to vote NO on Covanta's bill! The short session moves fast, and, with HB 4049 already one step closer to passing, we're running out of time to stop it. Please take action today!

Francesca Varela
Digital Coordinator, OLCV
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Dear John,

We need your help! Covanta is back at it once again, trying to pass a bill that would give them renewable energy credits for burning garbage. Help stop their waste incineration plant from receiving subsidies! Act now and urge your State Representative to vote no on Covanta’s bill.
Known as HB 4049, Covanta’s bill would allow the corporation to receive renewable energy credits that would otherwise go to sources of clean energy like solar, wind, and small hydropower. Oregon’s renewable energy standard is meant to promote new projects—Covanta’s Marion County plant opened in 1987.
In 2019, Covanta attempted to pass a very similar bill called SB 451, but, thanks to the activism of people like you, it died in the House. Now we need to make our voices heard once again. Help stop Covanta from receiving renewable energy credits for old, dirty power!
Renewable energy credits should be reserved for energy sources that help us transition to a low-carbon future. Covanta is already the top source of air pollution in Marion County, and in the top 10% of polluters statewide. HB 4049 would essentially reward them for their emissions. Can you take a minute to ask your State Representative to vote no on HB4 4049? 
Covanta just won’t quit, so neither can we. Stand up to Covanta and help make sure that Oregon’s renewable energy credits are reserved for energy that is really, truly clean. 
Thank you for taking action,
Francesca Varela
Digital Coordinator, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
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