Friend – As the clock runs down on our matching gift offer, People For continues to fight on every front for federal judges who will work for all of us, not only the wealthy and powerful. When you make your gift before midnight tonight, your dollars go twice as far to help ensure we can:
With our fundamental rights at stake, we will not sit by. Not when anti-abortion plaintiffs can go “judge shopping” to better their odds in court. And not when Republicans continue to indefinitely and arbitrarily obstruct President Biden’s nominees. People For will defend justice for as long as it takes. But we’re depending on allies and members like you to help fuel this critical fight. Please, give what you can before midnight tonight—every dollar will be doubled to help take back our courts! Thank you for making sure we can take full advantage of this matching gift offer. Knowing we can count on you helps keep us strong. Zach, People For the American Way