Unbelievable. Election stealers indict for ...... election stealing. 
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Michigan AG Charges 16 Trump Electors With Felonies for Sending Alternate Electors
Unbelievable. Election stealers indict for ……. election stealing.

BREAKING: Michigan AG charges 16 Trump electors w/felonies for sending alternate electors

Here’s video of a van dropping off 100s of thousands of ballots around 3 AM in ...

IRS Whistleblower Mr. Ziegler Confirms Biden Family Received $17 Million from Romania, China, & Other Foreign Countries In Just 5 years
IRS whistleblower Mr. Ziegler just confirmed that between 2014 to 2019—in just five years—the Biden family received approximately $17 million from Romania, China, & other foreign countries. What were the Bidens’ selling? Nothing but influence ...

Massachusetts Governor Wants Families to House Illegal Immigrants
Democrats want private citizens to take in migrants into their homes. How long before they force us – like Stalin forced Russians to live with many strangers (photo above). Rest assured, the Democrats will do what they do – put a happy label on ...

WATCH LIVE NOW: House Oversight Committee convenes hearing on IRS whistleblowers, Bidens
CNN and MSNBC, as well as CBS, NBC and ABC, are censoring this afternoon's historic hearing of career IRS criminal agents Shapley and Ziegler testifying — under oath — that their investigation of President Biden's son for felonies was blocked ...

NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30%
The New York Times quietly admitted this week that deaths from the coronavirus were overcounted by 30%. Now, when no one is paying attention.

Since April 2020, Geller Report published primary source and independently confirmed accounts of the ...

Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals “transgender” service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers
Democrats destroying the ultimate and final pillar of American power.

Trans army soldier talks about coping with gender dysphoria while on duty and trying to feel like woman.

He also shows the hormones he takes to transition which our tax ...

Trump to Be Indicted Yet AGAIN as Part of January 6 Hoax
If this runaway rogue government continues its take down of the country, civil war is inevitable. Trump represents the people. An indictment against Trump is an indictment against every freedom loving American.

They’re going after seniors who ...

WATCH: President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog to Address a Joint Meeting of Congress
une in live today at 11:00 a.m. E.T. to watch the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, address a Joint Meeting of Congress in honor of the 75th Anniversary of Israel.

Israel and the United States share a special relationship—an ...

FBI Agent Confirms Testimony from IRS Whistleblowers That DOJ Interfered in Hunter Biden Investigations in ‘Sickening Testimony’ Revealing ‘the Lengths to Which the DOJ is Willing to Go to Cover up for The Bidens’
Former FBI Agent confirmed the testimony from IRS whistleblowers that DOJ interfered in Hunter Biden. It corroborates “some of the most important testimony that Gary Shapley and his fellow IRS agent — whose name has not yet been released — ...

CMT just CANCELLED Jason Aldean Music Video about the Antifa-BLM riots
NEW: Country Music Television has pulled Jason Aldean’s music video ‘Try That In A Small Town’ in response to media outrage.

In the music video, Aldean calls out left-wing violence, specifically violence against law enforcement. ...

Joe Biden Slouches Over, Konks Out on Camera During Meeting With Israel’s President
This is bloody awful.

We are not a serious country.

You think Iran's leaders have any fear of President Biden after watching this? Israel better understand that they are on their own vis-à-vis Iran. War in the Middle East looks inevitable. ...

Democrats Have a Nazi Problem: Here are the Nine Jew Haters Who Voted Israel Is a Racist State
There are two million Arab citizens of Israel with full civil rights, a million seven of those are Muslims. No Muslim country offers that for Jews. Israel is the most full integrated country in the region whose citizens (whatever their religion, ...

Report: Woke Hollywood Elite Met At Propaganda Summit To Inject Their Messages Into All Movies
May the Hollywood strike never end.

Report: Woke Hollywood Elite To Meet At Propaganda Summit

Will discuss how to inject climate change messages into all movies

By: Summit News,  21 June, 2023

The AFP reports that the elite of ...

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