From Team No Labels <[email protected]>
Subject Our good news is ruffling some feathers
Date July 20, 2023 12:44 AM
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We have some good news to share that's ruffled some feathers with the Old Guard, which are now resorting to desperate measures.

Hi Friend,

We are thrilled to share some incredible news with you!

Following the successful launch ([link removed] ) of our Common Sense policy booklet in Manchester, N.H., on Monday, we have achieved yet another successful milestone: the state of Arkansas cleared the way on Tuesday for No Labels to be on the ballot for the upcoming 2024 presidential election!

The victory is testament to the grassroots support and civic engagement of citizens like you who believe in our cause.

Arkansas now joins Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, and Utah as the sixth state to recognize No Labels. This recognition solidifies our position as a formidable force for positive change, poised to bring bipartisan solutions that make common sense to America.

However, not everybody wants to see us succeed.

On the heels of our landmark New Hampshire announcement, a cabal of Washington, D.C., insiders, political operatives, and lobbyists have launched ([link removed] ) a cynical campaign against us. They have even formed a super PAC – or political action committee -- with the sole mission of shutting down No Labels and explicitly declaring: “…we ask No Labels to end its effort.”

The Julie Mason Show ([link removed] )

We have ruffled some feathers with the Old Guard, and they are resorting to desperate measures. On Tuesday, USA Today national political correspondent David Jackson told Sirius XM ([link removed] ) radio host Julie Mason, “The White House has been calling people today to really dump on No Labels and to dump on Manchin and to try to get people to find out who their donors are…it’s getting pretty nasty out there.”

The Washington Post has already reported ([link removed] ) that members of the super PAC will meet next week with congressional staff to wage their disinformation campaign against us.

The new super PAC’s leader, former House Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt, now a lobbyist, told PBS ([link removed] ) that the network is targeting “the folks at No Labels,” including “all their people, their funders, whatever,” until we “come to our senses.”

Well – news flash – we are well within our senses. Our common senses.

And fear not, we remain resolute in our mission. We are committed to fighting for you and the American people.

([link removed] )

Now, more than ever, we need your support. Here’s what you can do:

- Spread the word about No Labels and our mission to bring common sense ([link removed] ) back to American politics.
- Share this email with your friends and family, inviting them to join us and learn more about our movement.
- Encourage them to sign up ([link removed] ) with No Labels to stay informed and be part of the positive change we are working towards.

Together, we can overcome the challenges and continue fighting for you and the American people. Let’s stand strong with moral courage, from New Hampshire to Alabama and beyond, in our commitment to a brighter future – with common sense.


Team No Labels

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