Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan newsletter banner image

July 19, 2023 

Dear Neighbor,


Congress is back in session this week.  I want to update you on some of the work I'm doing. 


Meeting with Boys and Girls Club of Los Angeles Harbor 

Last Wednesday, I met with Nick and Marcelino of the Boys & Girls Club of Los Angeles Harbor to speak about the program's great work to help students grow and thrive. 

 I'll continue to support organizations like the Boys and Girls Clubs that help students realize their full potential. 


Meeting with the Arming Minorities Against Addiction and Disease Institute

 I met with the Arming Minorities Against Addition and Disease (AMAAD) Institute, and received their Champions of Health Equity award!


CHC Meets with Dr. Frank Rubio on the International Space Station

Last week, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) spoke to Dr. Frank Rubio, the first Salvadoran American astronaut, while in space on the International Space Station! 

He spoke with us about the importance of representation of Latinos in historically underrepresented industries such as the fields of S.T.E.M., the Armed Forces, Academia, Politics, and Aeronautics.


Don't Forget to Sign Up for our Annual Older Adult Briefing and Health Fair! 

We're fast approaching my favorite event of the year, our Older Adult Briefing and Health Fair! We'll have free health screenings, resources, and a briefing from me on our work in Washington.  We'll also have a free hot meal, dancing, games, and more! Please call my office at 310-831-1799 to let us know you're coming.  We hope to see you there! 


Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán

Member of Congress


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2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-8220

Carson City Hall Office
701 E. Carson Street
Carson, CA 90745
Phone: (310) 831-1799

Long Beach Office

4201 Long Beach Blvd, Suite 422

Long Beach, CA 90807

Phone: (310) 831-1799 

South Gate City Hall Office
8650 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
Phone: (310) 831-1799

San Pedro Office - OPENING SOON

San Pedro Municipal Building

638 S Beacon St
San Pedro, CA 90731