Wednesday, February 19, 2020 · 4-5pm EST
Understanding Propaganda & Media
Continuing our webinar series, "Through Anne Frank's Eyes," this webinar offers several ways to increase media literacy and cultural awareness. Teach your students how to distinguish fact from fiction and better understand the messaging around them. Secure your space now!

• Wed, May 20, 2020
Writing & Self-Discovery
Resistance Art & Propaganda in Nazi-Occupied Holland
Composed of Dutch resistance art and official propaganda, this exhibition contains three collections from the archives of the Anne Frank Center USA:
- Original lithographs by Henri Pieck, drawn during Pieck’s internment at Buchenwald concentration camp.
- Linoleum and woodcut prints by Marie de Zaaijer, depicting the remembrances, suffering and hardship endured by Holland during its struggle with its militaristic neighbor.
- Original propaganda posters, distributed by the Nazi controlled Dutch government.
Did You Know...?
- This year marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the WWII Nazi death camps.
- Anne and her sister Margot unfortunately died just weeks before the liberators reached the Bergen-Belsen camp, where they both suffered from typhus fever.
- The exhibit "Anne Frank: A History for Today" connects the past to the present, showing how her life story has a lasting relevance to the challenges of diversity today.
- Exhibits can be paired with performances, workshops, and volunteer opportunities for all ages throughout your community.
- This Wednesday is your chance to learn more about propaganda and media literacy through our free online webinar!
The Anne Frank Center USA has reached more than 5 MILLION people through our exhibits, performances, and workshops!