From Christian Romero | Electronic Frontier Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject One Day Left! Nurture the Digital Freedom Movement
Date July 19, 2023 11:24 PM
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EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation


Hi Supporter of Digital Freedom,

There’s only one day left to donate during EFF’s summer membership drive! It’s our duty to protect the internet and tend to the digital garden—EFF can do it with you on our side.

JOIN EFF TODAY: [link removed]

July 20 is the final day to become an EFF member for just $20, and receive two limited-edition items! Get a Digital Garden Sticker and a Privacy Pro Magnet representing how we nurture a better internet, powered by your own hands.

We’ve been cultivating a better internet for all users for 33 years. Together we till hard ground, plant the ideas, nurture the discussions, and nourish the movement we know today.

Your donation will ensure that EFF’s engineers, lawyers, and skilled advocates can continue to weed out attacks on digital freedom with nuanced expertise and sharp determination. [link removed]

Support EFF’s mission to defend digital privacy, free expression, and security at the Copper Level or greater and you’ll receive a conversation-starting member gift, like our new Watching the Watchers t-shirt. You can donate today or even start a small automatic monthly gift! [link removed]

The internet freedom movement is like a garden that needs to be cared for to thrive—growing from small ideas to ambitious policies to keep you safe and free online. I hope you’ll help us plant the seeds and tend the digital garden.

Christian Romero
EFF Membership Team

P.S. EFF is a member-supported U.S. 501(c)(3) organization celebrating nine years of top ratings from the nonprofit watchdog Charity Navigator! Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Activism | Impact Litigation | Technology

Donate Now: [link removed]

About EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit defending online civil liberties. We promote digital innovation, defend free speech, fight illegal surveillance, and protect rights and freedoms for all as our use of technology grows. Find out more at [link removed]

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