🇺🇸To all Chris Murphy supporters 🧢
Please don’t click away from this important request. Yes, we need to ask for your financial support, but please hear us out.
This campaign is not like most. You’re part of something special when you’re on Team Murphy. This is a people-powered campaign in the truest sense — not a dime comes from PACs or corporations.
The most common donations to our campaign are $10 and $25. In fact, 95.6% of donations to our campaign are $100 or less.
While Republicans rake in corporate cash, it takes A LOT of people giving $10 or $25 to match just one corporate PAC check. It’s a challenge, but Chris knows it’s worth the risk to make sure people can never question who he’s working for in the Senate.
But that’s why Chris is counting on you. So we are humbly asking:
Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy
Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123
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