July 2023
 It?s time to cast your vote for the MSP in the American Association of State Troopers (AAST) "Best Looking Cruiser" contest!
This year?s photo, featuring a Chevy Tahoe and a Bell UH-1H (Huey) helicopter, showcases our commitment to serving Michiganders from both the roads and the sky.
Cast your vote for our ?Blue Goose? here! You can vote one time per device. The deadline to vote is Monday, July 31 at noon.
The winning state will be featured on the cover of the AAST?s America?s Best Looking Cruisers 2024 Wall Calendar.
Calendars will be available for purchase at statetroopers.org this fall. Net proceeds from calendar sales benefit the AAST Foundation, which provides educational scholarships to dependents of member troopers.
On June 23, several of our members were recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for their diligent work to make a difference in the areas of education, prevention, policy, or enforcement that reduced impaired driving deaths and injuries.
Congratulations to the following members:
Outstanding Trooper
- Joshua Barnett with the Calumet Post was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 16 arrests for drunk/drugged driving in 2022.
- Blake Bitner with the Third District was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 86 arrests for drunk/drugged driving in 2022.
- Ellis Rogers with the Grand Rapids Post was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 40 arrests for drunk/drugged driving in 2022.
Recognition of Excellence
- Kevin Lee with the Niles Post was recognized for his efforts to educate troopers, sergeants, and other police officers on the value and importance of impaired driving enforcement, as well as serving as an expert witness for two county courts due to his knowledge of operating while intoxicated (OWI) law and procedures. Additionally, Sergeant Lee?s enforcement efforts resulted in 21 arrests for drunk/drugged driving and 31 Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) arrests for other agencies in 2022.
Outstanding Law Enforcement Agency
- Members with the Eighth District Hometown Security Team (HST) were recognized for providing training sessions and ride-along opportunities to officers from other agencies across the Upper Peninsula to help them become more successful in identifying and acting on impaired drivers. In addition, the Eighth District HST?s enforcement efforts resulted in 46 arrests for drunk/drugged driving in 2022.
At the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police?s (MACP) awards banquet last month, members of the MSP were awarded for going above and beyond the call of duty.
The following members received the MACP Medal of Honor, which is awarded to officers who voluntarily distinguish themselves by extraordinary heroism and is the highest award bestowed by the MACP.
- Tpr. Carson Crook (pictured) and Tpr. D. Ryan Pipe with the Grand Rapids Post were awarded for their response to a home invasion in progress on April 4, 2022.
- D/Tpr. David Tasker with the Second District was awarded for his courageous and heroic actions during an undercover surveillance operation on September 27, 2022, where he put his life in danger to rescue D/Sgt. Devin Kachar, who was shot and sustained life-threatening injuries.
In addition, the MACP Purple Heart was awarded to D/Sergeant Kachar with the Second District, which is presented to officers who suffer a serious traumatic injury as the direct result of a felonious assault.
Congratulations to the MSP Forensic Science Division for receiving a Telly Award for their ?We Are? video, which utilizes real employees - technicians, scientists, examiners and support staff ? narrating how they provide the best customer service experience with each interaction.
Message Makers, who produced the video, submitted the project for a Telly Award, and was named a Silver Winner in the Branded Content; General ? Corporate Image category. The Telly Awards annually feature the best work created within television and across video, for all screens, with entries from all 50 states and five continents.
Click here to learn more.
Join us for our third annual ?MSP Safety Day? on Tuesday, Aug. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at MSP Headquarters, located at 7150 Harris Dr., Dimondale, MI 48821.
This free, family-friendly event will have more than 20 safety stations, including representatives from:
- MSP Child and Vulnerable Adult Identification station
- SafeKids Certified Child Safety Seat Inspection Station
- Office of School Safety
- Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
- MSP Recruiters
Please note this is an outdoor event. In the event of inclement weather, MSP Safety Day will be moved to Wednesday, August 2.
Be aware that Michigan recently restarted Medicaid eligibility renewals following the passage of the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. With the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will review certain waived policies that were in place during the pandemic.
Annual renewals are being staggered to take place monthly starting in June and running through May 2024.
If you have Medicaid, you can learn more about Medicaid assistance benefit changes here.
 Earlier this month, troopers from the Fifth District Crime Prevention Squad stopped to interact with young entrepreneurs who were selling bracelets in Albion. Troopers supported them by purchasing several custom bracelets.