The Supreme Court rules against racial discrimination; entrenched interests howl in protest, issuing statements of “massive resistance.” Have we...
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July 19, 2023 • Weekly Newsletter
Universities: The Public and the Rule of Law Be Damned ([link removed])
Richard K. Vedder (The American Spectator)
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The Supreme Court rules against racial discrimination; entrenched interests howl in protest, issuing statements of “massive resistance.” Have we time-traveled to the 1954 South? No, it’s 2023 and the indignant defenders of race-based policies are elite universities in the Northeast. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Ten Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died ([link removed])
Victor Davis Hanson (American Greatness)
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While its elite defenders may not have seen its end coming, “affirmative action” suffered from ten fatal flaws that doomed it. Victor Davis Hanson exposes the distortions and unintended consequences that persisted for far too long READ MORE » ([link removed])
SCOTUS Lays Down the Law: Independent Outlook 53 ([link removed])
Graham H. Walker, William M. Evers, William J. Watkins, Jr.
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The Supreme Court weighed in on colleges’ racial bias, President Biden’s fiat forgiveness of student loans, and the freedom of creative designers to disagree with the state’s view of marriage. Another federal judge put the kibosh on Biden administration efforts to turn social media companies into surrogate censors. WATCH NOW » ([link removed])
Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Would Destroy America’s Health Care ([link removed])
Scott W. Atlas, M.D. (Real Clear Politics)
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As Americans demand more healthcare autonomy in the wake of the botched COVID response, Senator Bernie Sanders’s proposed single-payer, socialized medicine regime would usher in all of the worst that government control over health has to offer. READ MORE » ([link removed])
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Independent Truths with Dr. Scott Atlas Independent Institute Podcasts ([link removed])
The GOP’s Wilsonian Mexico Policy ([link removed])
Ivan Eland (The National Interest)
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Don’t let the fervor fool you: history warns that the push for military action in Mexico as a solution to immigration and drug crises won’t end well. READ MORE » ([link removed])
In Search of Monsters to Destroy ([link removed])
The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace ([link removed])
By Christopher J. Coyne
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3 Economic Truths Americans Can Learn from France’s Pension Flap ([link removed])
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Daily Caller)
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Americans can glean valuable economic lessons from France’s pension crisis, which offers invaluable insights into the precarious state of the U.S. entitlement system and the need for realistic reforms in the face of mounting challenges—both fiscal and cultural. READ MORE » ([link removed])
California Dreaming ([link removed])
Lessons on How to Resolve America’s Public Pension Crisis ([link removed])
By Lawrence J. McQuillan
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The Latest from The Beacon
* Rediscovering Scotland’s Intellectual Triumphs: The Roots of Freedom and Progress ([link removed]) , by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
* 303 Creative Preserves Entrepreneurial Spirit of Private Enterprise ([link removed]) , by Samuel R. Staley
* Transportation Shakedown Administration ([link removed]) , by K. Lloyd Billingsley
* The Great Grift of Covid Pandemic Aid ([link removed]) , by Craig Eyermann
* Minimum Wage Laws Increase Homelessness, New Study Finds ([link removed]) , by Jon Miltimore
The Latest from Catalyst
* The Challenge Of Being An Island Nation ([link removed]) , by Scott Beyer
* Empire: A Review of Christopher Coyne’s ‘In Search of Monsters to Destroy’ ([link removed]) , by Peter Jacobsen
* French Bill Accelerates Nuclear Construction and Removes Cap ([link removed]) , by Paige Lambermont
* Finland’s New Reactor is Already Lowering Electricity Prices ([link removed]) , by Paige Lambermont
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David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy. Independent welcomes nominations and applications for the David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy, named in honor of the late founder of Independent. The holder of the chair ensures that all research activities have intrinsic intellectual merit in the service of Independent’s mission. READ MORE » ([link removed])
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