Our campaign to Cancel Student Debt is gaining steam after the Supreme Court setback and President Biden’s new push to use the Higher Education Act to deliver relief. Thousands of you have signed petitions, submitted comments and are committed to winning student debt relief.
Today Our Revolution members and activists are joining a coalition to protest outside the Supreme Court, and yesterday our members testified about the need to cancel student debt at a virtual hearing by the Department of Education.
Nine of us told our stories to impact this important rule-making process, speaking on the many ways that student debt impacts our lives, families, and communities.
Vanessa Torres, 36, of California explained at the hearing that she has $186,000 in student debt, mostly from law school.
“I grew up very poor, often homeless, raised by a single mom dealing with addiction. I knew an education was the only way out of poverty for me,” she said. “I got accepted to Harvard, but now I can't afford the payments because rent has sky-rocketed. I worry about my siblings and wish I could buy us a home so we’d always have a place to live.”
These stories are painful — but more than getting angry, we need to get active. Restarting student debt - with interest - in the middle of an affordability crisis will be an economic disaster.
Earlier this week, President Biden canceled another $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 who have been paying on their loans for more than 20 years. This shows our pressure is working!
The President can still deliver on his promise to 45 million Americans by using his executive authority to cancel debt, pause payments, and crackdown on predatory lending practices.
Education is supposed to be a ladder, not an anchor weighing down our people and our country. Let’s make sure the President delivers on his promise to 45 million Americans burdened with student debt.
We will be in touch with more actions and updates! Thanks for supporting Our Revolution and our work to Cancel Student Debt!
In solidarity,
Amanda Nichols Our Revolution Communications Director 